People restoring degraded ecosystems through science and nature.

Photo credit: Nita Settina

The mission of the Center for Ecosystem Recovery is to advance the science and practice of ecological restoration through research, partnerships and education for the recovery of living resources.

What We Do

Photo credit: Nita Settina


We establish scientific, evidence-based guidelines to restore ecosystems in a holistic manner to generate ecological uplift at the landscape scale, benefiting biodiversity, water quality and people.

Photo credit: Nita Settina


We advocate for policies, regulatory processes and funding that align with the evolving science of ecosystem restoration, creating a model program for accelerating the recovery of degraded watersheds of the Chesapeake Bay and around the world.

Photo credit: Nita Settina


We establish demonstration watershed restoration projects to implement, monitor and adaptively manage process-based ecosystem restoration and document results.

Photo credit: Nita Settina


We promote human connections with local lands and waterways through education, outreach and increasing public access to nature in order to empower community-driven restoration and science.

Photo credit: Nita Settina

“Protect what survives; repair what has been damaged; connect places that have been severed; collaborate as never before; and make the whole effort personal by bringing the natural world back into the people’s daily lives, wherever they are.”

Tony Hiss, Rescuing the Planet

Contact us to learn about our work and special events.